Hey Jude




We heard the Raven outside in the misty morning light.  We couldn’t see him but we could here the roaring grumbles of His Cry.  We came back inside, inspired with things the Ruach brought to our remembrance.

Hey Jude was the song given We gave to The Mighty Friends that they would seek out and give it to Seth when we were up in NJ revealing The Good Things to Come.  

Then I recalled my baby girl and I were talking a while back about the prophetic nature of the Beatles music and she asked boldly, I don’t think she thought it could be true -  Well How does "Hey Jude" have to do with anything anyway?  

We hope that YHVY’s Music versions of The Beatles songs make it VERY VERY CLEAR what the Source of their, The Beatles, Inspirations were and that their rehearsals were for preparing us for the Coming Glory found ONLY in this time.   Rejoice in the Knowing of The Coming Glory Mighty Friends!

After we finished revealing YHVH and Who the worshipers of YeHoVaH Truly are, Hey Jude, we stepped outside again and heard the Raven in the Palm tree above my head as he crackled out a roar.   As I moved further in the backyard to see him, he took flight and flew Due West about 20’ off the ground until he disappeared.  Such Joy We Received!

We also heard Revolution and Don’t Let me Down.  We’ll be working on those next.

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